Monday, September 25, 2006

Volpemania: The End?

The only Liberal leadership candidate who has been courageous enough to publicly champion the rights of the Necro-Canadian community may be forced out of the race for just that very reason.

Proof positive that while the Liberals talk about being the great defenders of Charter rights for all Canadians, they will gladly discriminate against people when it suits their interests:

Joe Volpe faces mounting pressure to quit the Liberal leadership race today amid allegations his campaign recruited party members who did not pay their own membership fees -- reportedly including two people who are dead.

After Mr. Volpe weathered a fundraising scandal in the spring, the new allegations had senior Liberals scurrying to cope with another black eye to a party that lost last year's election over ethics questions.

Several of Mr. Volpe's campaign insiders insisted late yesterday that they still did not know for certain whether the Toronto MP will quit the leadership race today, or fight on. They said the campaign was busy preparing two different scenarios for a press conference that Mr. Volpe has scheduled for 11:30 a.m. Monday.

Mr. Volpe's spokesman, Corey Hobbs, said the campaign would issue no comment.

Say it ain't so, Joe!

The Liberal Party needs you, now more than ever.

You have inspired young children to pool their pocket money just to give the maximum allowable donation. You have inspired the dead to rise from their graves to sign membership cards.

But most of all, you have inspired your Conservative adversaries to unite in support of your ambitions.

Can any other candidate claim such a broad base of support?

Stay in the fight!

Source: Globe and Mail

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